Pranamaya Kosha
The second Kosha, Pranamaya Kosha, relates to an individual's energy field. Within the body, this energetic or pranic layer contains several subsystems, such as the Chakras, Vayus, and Nadis, many of which cannot be physically measured. Among these, the Vayus are the most accessible and can be influenced through awareness of the spine and the six pose categories.
However, there is one measurable aspect of Pranamaya Kosha: the breath. Respiration belongs to and connects with this energetic sheath. It has a physical presence that can be felt, making it a bridge between the physical and subtle bodies. As such, it becomes a powerful tool for healing both the physical body and the mental imprints left by negative thinking, given its intimate connection to both realms.
Pranayama is the most effective practice for strengthening the connection to this sheath. When the breath is managed, the energy system is also managed, and when that happens, anything becomes possible.
As practitioners move their awareness beyond the physical body, they begin to connect with the subtle, energetic body. Pranamaya Kosha both pervades and supports the physical form, and together with Annamaya Kosha, it forms the dwelling place of the soul.