When someone is under chronic stress, it begins to negatively affect their physical and mental health. The body’s stress response was not made to be continuously engaged. Many people encounter stress from multiple sources, including work, money, health, relationships and media overload.

With so many sources of stress, it is difficult to find time to relax and disengage. This is why stress is one of the biggest health problems facing people today. Yoga is an excellent way to reduce stress and increase mental clarity, calmness and stability. 

Yoga is such an in-depth practice that it can be broken down into different aspects for any specific need or practiced as a whole complete practice for a deeper impact. 

We can target the body for strength, mobility or flexibility. The energy system to energise or calm the nervous system. Ultimate yoga was designed to calm and stabilise the mind. Methods available:  

  • Asana (movement) Body

  • Pranayama (breath work) Energy

  • Meditation (seated practice) Mind

  • NTT (Neuro Transformation Therapy)

  • Yoga Nidra (laying guided meditation) Mind

  • Chanting (expressing though voice) Energy

  • Sound healing (laying meditation) Energy

Neuro Transformation Therapy™, works with the subconscious mind which is the part of the mind that is controlling 90% of your behaviours. 

This is what is controlling your thoughts, feelings & behaviours. Whenever you are in thought, which is 90% of the day, your subconscious mind is running the show. 

Your brain makes decisions in emotion and when there is stored negative emotion embedded in your subconscious mind you perceive yourself and the world through that lens. Thats why we clear the negative emotions & limiting beliefs you have taken on from your past as that is what is controlling your behaviours. 

Until you change what you link pleasure and pain to at a subconscious level, you’ll keep repeating the same patterns of thoughts, emotions & behaviours.

This process helped me let go of limiting beliefs I’ve unconsciously held on to for decades around self worth, money and finding a clean and healthy masculine energy. 

What old negative emotion are you holding onto that’s creating chaos and drama in your life? What limiting belief is stopping you from being the greatest version of yourself??