The Yamas & niyamas
Because of the power of Prana and its tendency (like the sun) to empower everything it touches, the Yamas and Niyamas are Yoga‘s ethical guidelines laid out in the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eight fold path.
They are means to purify our character so that only the best parts of our being gets empowered and they are also a way to gain insight into our evolutionary progress. They are like a map of living yoga both on and off the mat.
Simply put the Yamas are things not to do or restraints, while the Niyamas are things to do or observances.
The five Yamas are self regulating behaviours and how we relate to others and the world.
AHIMSA: non-violence
SATYA: truthfulness
ASTEYA: non stealing
BRAHMACHARYA: moving with the divine (often interstates as celibacy)
APRAIGRAHA: non possessiveness, non greed
The five Niyamas are personal practices that relate to our inner world.
SAUCHA: Purity
SANTOSHA: contentment
TAPAS: self discipline
SVADYAYA: self study, inner exploration
ISHVARA PRANIDHANA: surrender, devotion to the divine
Come join us in the studio to explore the Yamas and Niyamas. Use your practice in the mat as a way to better your life.