3 STAGES OF HATHA - Sun, The Solar Path

In Hatha Yoga, two key forces shape a practitioner’s journey: Content and Momentum.

  • Content, the focus of the Yoga Sutras and the Lunar Path, is about understanding the mind—removing acquired conditioning to reveal its innate qualities: intuition, memory, focus, and luminosity.

  • Momentum, a more Tantric and Solar approach, teaches that by shifting our energetic state—through practices affecting the Vayus or Chakras—we transform our perception of both the world and ourselves.

Prana: The Force of Life

Prana is derived from Pr (primary, permeating all things) and Ana (movement, animation). It is the universal life force, the power behind all action—whether constructive or destructive. Understanding how to harness and direct Prana determines the direction of our lives. The more Prana we access and refine, the more empowered we become.

When Prana is consciously shaped for transformation, it evolves into Prana Shakti—the dynamic force that dissolves limitations and elevates life into sacredness. The ancient Hatha Yoga texts detail the science of Prana-based practice, structured into four key components:

  1. Asana – Clears energetic blockages in the Nadis (energy channels), allowing Prana to flow freely.

  2. Kumbhaka & Bandha – Builds and contains Prana through breath retention (Kumbhaka) and energetic locks (Bandhas), forming the foundation of true Pranayama.

  3. Mudra – Directs Prana to specific energetic centers such as the navel, heart, centre of the forehead and spine. 

  4. Nada – The ultimate state, where the practitioner perceives the vibrational field of Prana as inner pulsations (Spanda) or the sacred sound of AUM, from which all mantras arise.

Mastering these four stages allows the yogi to tap into the Pranic field within and around them, using it for healing, self-mastery, and spiritual awakening.

Prana & Personality

Prana is in everything, but each individual holds a unique amount based on their way of life and the Pranic practices they engage in. Some people naturally exude magnetism, vitality, and success—this is a reflection of their Pranic charge. While we are all born with a certain Pranic reserve, our thoughts, emotions, and actions continuously influence its quality and quantity.

Dr. Swami Gitananda likened human beings to “human appliances,” recognising that just like household devices, we store and operate on energy. The stronger our charge, the more we radiate health, strength, and vitality—not just for ourselves, but for everyone we encounter.


