The Anahata chakra is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. It is associated with the element of air and is often depicted as a green lotus with twelve petals. This chakra is related to the heart, lungs, and circulatory system, and is considered the center of love, compassion, and empathy.

Just like air, our breath being the bridge between our manifested and mysterious worlds I feel the Anahata chakra is the bridge between our humanness (lower three chakras)  and our being (upper three centres) 

When the Anahata chakra is in balance, a person will experience feelings of love, kindness, and connection to self and others. They will be able to give and receive love freely, and will be compassionate and empathetic towards others. They will also have a sense of inner peace and harmony, and will be able to forgive and let go of past hurts.

However, when the Anahata chakra is out of balance, it can manifest in different ways. If it is too strong, a person may become overly attached to others and may experience feelings of possessiveness and jealousy. They may also become co-dependent and may sacrifice their own needs for the sake of others. On the other hand, if the Anahata chakra is weak, a person may feel disconnected from others and may find it difficult to form close relationships. They may also struggle with self-love and may have a tendency to isolate themselves from others.

In summary, the Anahata chakra is an important center for love, compassion, and empathy. When it is in balance, a person will experience feelings of love, kindness, and connection to others. However, when it is out of balance, it can lead to issues such as possessiveness, co-dependency, disconnection, and isolation.

Join us in the studio this week to connect more deeply to yourself and others. 🙏🏽

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