the gunas - The 3 fundamental forces of nature - rajas

The Gunas. The three fundamental forces of nature that are either concealing or revealing the presence of Purusha (the formless witness, universal consciousness). Depending on our lifestyle and our daily choices we either edge toward balance and centre, or drive ourselves toward habit, chaos, disease and destruction.

The three Gunas are, Tamas, Rajas and Sattva. Each have key features that define them. Once we are aware of their function and motivation we can intelligently influence them via environment, food, social life, conversations, sleep, sex, pleasure, challenge and so on.

According to the Yoga Tradition the Gunas are a major part of our spiritual endeavours and they facilitate our ability to know ourselves on a deeper level. They reveal, conceal and stir us up so we can see the range of our potential and the limits at which we are able to operate and move closer and closer to Purusha, the all knowing, mighty one.

This week we’re exploring RAJAS - active, movement, dynamic, restless, pulsating. It is the energy of change and transition. It’s activity may guide you toward sattva or tamas (darkness). This means that it can be positive or negative. However it is safe to assume in our society and the pace at which it moves, rajas is an energy that has us feeling restless, agitated, quick to anger and overstimulated.

To relate to rajas on a positive level think of a time where you were excited or inspired and moved by passion. These qualities help us to go after life and achieve our dreams. On the other hand It is the cause of us feeling overwhelmed, quick to judge, react or be angry. In that state the activity of rajas keeps moving us toward more stimulation or chaos (coffee, scrolling, busyness) and restlessness.

Using practice this week to shift us out of the imbalance of being too Rajasic.

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the gunas - The 3 fundamental forces of nature - sattva


the gunas - The 3 fundamental forces of nature - tamas