PRAN VAYU: Internalise and Revitalise
Pran Vayu refers to the expression of Prana located in the heart and chest area. It governs the functioning of the heart and lungs, supporting activities like breathing and circulation. On a physical level, Pran Vayu is vital for respiratory health and blood flow. On a subtle level, it governs our ability to ‘take in’ information, not only through breath but through the five senses—sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell—allowing us to absorb and be with life which around us.
Pran Vayu is experienced as a light, warm, upward-moving energy in the chest area. It is deeply connected to the in-breath and, along with Apana Vayu, is one of the two fundamental Pranas of interest to the Hatha Yogi. When these two Vayus are balanced, we can access deeper levels of the mind and generate the power to clear negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and past karmas.
This Vayu is also closely linked to the heart (Anahata) and throat (Vishuddha) chakras. When Pran Vayu is abundant, the pure qualities of the heart—love, compassion, and beauty—shine through, enriching our personality and coloring our life with positivity. Since the heart is considered the seat of the soul’s intelligence, Yogis believed that by strengthening Pran Vayu, they could access their highest inner wisdom, known as Vishok Jyotir.
However, when Pran Vayu is weak or deficient, there is a direct impact on the immune system, particularly in the heart and lungs. Mentally, negativity takes hold, and it can become difficult to process new information or experience life fully.