The Elements - Water

The elements, as we know them, are the physical manifestations of deeper energetic forces operating beneath the surface of reality. Among them, water represents fluidity, adaptability, and connection. It is less dense than earth yet more tangible than fire, bridging stability and transformation.

In the chakra system, water corresponds to the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana). This energy centre, located in the pelvic region, embodies creativity, emotion, and relationships. Interestingly, the geometry of Svadhisthana reflects water’s nature: its six energetic lines mirror the crystalline patterns of snowflakes or frozen water molecules under a microscope.

Water carries the energy of covalence—the ability to bond and release with ease. This can be seen in relationships, where two distinct individuals come together, merging and mingling their lives. When harmony is present, bonds deepen; when friction arises, separation often occurs. The energy of water teaches us to navigate these dynamics with grace and understanding.

In yoga, we can connect with the water element through practices that cultivate flow and cohesion. Oli Mudras, a set of advanced mudras, are particularly effective in bringing awareness to the sacral chakra. Additionally, incorporating flowing movements and breath-work into your practice helps create a seamless stream of awareness, allowing you to dive deeper into self-discovery.

This week at Bhav, we’re exploring the element of water in our classes. Through fluid movements, rhythmic breath, and mindful awareness, you’ll experience a sense of flow on your mat—one that extends into your daily life. Let this practice help you embrace adaptability, connection, and emotional balance in every aspect of your being.

Join us to immerse yourself in the essence of water, and learn to carry its fluidity and grace with you wherever life leads.


The Elements - Fire


The Elements - Earth