Vijnanamaya Kosha
The sheath of pure intelligence, wisdom, and inspiration. It holds the inner teacher, guiding us moment by moment toward our purpose—our Dharma.
Though always present, it’s not always heard, which is why we don’t always make the right decisions. Vijnanamaya Kosha embodies pure will, intelligence, and self-awareness.
It serves as the bridge between the individual mind, Ahamkara and the Universal Mind, Cosmic Intelligence, Ishvara.
When we awaken to this level of awareness, we begin to navigate life from an inner sense of knowing. From this place, we see beyond the surface of external events to their deeper spiritual or Dharmic significance.
In other words, the wool is no longer pulled over our eyes so easily. We gain inner authority, a stronger sense of personal power, and stop giving it away to others. We take more responsibility for our own lives.
Everything we need is already within us, and the more we connect with Vijnanamaya Kosha, the more we realise this. Come explore this part of yourself in practice this week.