The Yamas and Niyamas - saucha

Saucha refers to the practice of purity and cleanliness. It embodies the idea of maintaining both physical and mental purity to promote overall well-being and spiritual growth. The concept of Saucha emphasises the importance of cleanliness not only in our external surroundings but also within ourselves. By purifying our body, mind, and spirit, we can create a conducive environment for self-discovery, self-awareness, and ultimately, a deeper connection with our higher selves.

In our daily lives, Saucha manifests in various ways. On a physical level, it encourages us to keep our surroundings clean and tidy, promoting a sense of order and calmness. It also involves taking care of our bodies by maintaining good hygiene, consuming nourishing foods, and engaging in regular physical activities. On a mental level, Saucha involves cleansing our thoughts and emotions, letting go of negativity, and cultivating a positive mindset. By practicing mental purity, we can develop clarity, focus, and a greater capacity for self-compassion.

On the yoga mat, Saucha plays a fundamental role in creating a sacred space for practice. In terms of the yoga studio I like to not have any unnecessary items in the room and the mats aligned, ensuring that we are physically safe and free from distractions. 

During the practice, Saucha encourages us to be mindful of our breath and thoughts, letting go of any mental clutter or judgment. By focusing on purity in our movements, alignment, and intentions, we can deepen our yoga practice and tap into its transformative power.

Ultimately, Saucha extends beyond the yoga mat and becomes a way of life. By embodying cleanliness and purity in all aspects of our existence, we cultivate a harmonious and balanced lifestyle that supports our spiritual journey. By embracing Saucha, we open ourselves to greater self-awareness, inner peace, and a more profound connection with the world around us.

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The Yamas and Niyamas - SANTOSHA


The Yamas and Niyamas - aparigraha