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30hr Training: Intro to Traditional Tantra Hatha Yoga

30hr Training: Intro to Traditional Tantra Hatha Yoga

Embark on a transformative journey through Traditional Hatha Yoga and Meditation, designed for those seeking deeper self-understanding and authentic living. This immersive experience leads you to Self-Excellence, bringing light to darkness and truth to ignorance through time-tested practices of self-mastery.

In a world that often celebrates mediocrity, true self-excellence is a revolutionary act. This 30-hour training goes beyond asana, focusing on authentic inner alignment and profound self-discovery—the very essence of Yoga. With lineage-based teachings, you'll return to the roots of genuine Yoga, cultivating courage, clarity, and strength.


- Tantric philosophy and methodology

- Key practices of Hatha Yoga: Asana, Kumbhaka, Bandha, Mudra, and Kriya

- Moon, Sun, and Fire: The seven-stage progressive map to access and stabilise Kundalini

- Tantra, Kundalini, and the Chakras

- Advanced sequencing: The energetics of Asana

- Working with Prana for empowerment, intuition, and healing

- Mantra Vidya: The science of mantra, Yantra, geometry, sound, and vibration

- Developing a complete Tantric practice

Led by Chris Alleaume, founder of Bhav and dedicated lineage-based Yogi, this training offers an opportunity to dive deep into the authentic teachings of Yoga. Step into your power and unlock the magnificence within yourself. Trust the tradition—become an unstoppable force of nature. 


Friday, Nov 1 - 4.30 to 7.30pm

Saturday Nov 2 - 9.30am to 5.30pm

Sunday Nov 3 - 9.30am to 4pm

Friday, Nov 8 - 4.30 to 7.30pm

Saturday Nov 9 - 9.30am to 5.30pm

Sunday Nov 10 - 9.30am to 4pm

4 October

15hr Traditional Pranayama & Meditation Course

7 February

BHAV 200hr Yoga Immersion / Teacher Training