40 Day Journey to Self Realisation: sensitivity

40 Day Journey to Self Realisation


There are two factors that shape a persons world, content and momentum. Content is the underlying theme of the Yoga Sutra and the Luna path. Learning to understand what is permeating your cognitive field, your mind and how to remove any acquired content or programming so that the minds innate luminosity and what lies beyond it can be accessed. 

Now we that we have created calmness and stability in our being (Steadied the Moon) we can now bring in the energy in which gives us life. Just like the sun does not discern what it shines it light on, Prana does not discriminate. If we are unaware of what we are energising we could well be amplifying the negative aspects of our being. 

Momentum is a more Tantric, solar approach that suggests that if you change your energetic patterning, your (pranic) body, for example your Doshas, Gunas, Vayus or Chakras then you change your perception of the world and also your perception of yourself. Everything outside of ourselves is a reflection of our inner world. Everything is as it is and how we see the world has a direct correlation of what’s happening for us, with us, through us and from us. When the outer world seems like its changing it never is that. It’s always the changes we’ve created for ourselves that creates the perceived change out there. 

The more Prana we have access to the more you have what you want provided you use it skilfully. This empowered use of Prana is how Prana transforms into Prana Shakti. Prana Shakti is the capacity of this universal animating force to create positive change. When used skilfully to overcome limits and patterns it brings more sacredness into your life.

Prana is in everything including the space between things. Each individual being is made up of Prana and holds a specific quantity and quality depending on how they choose to live their life and the amount of Prana based practices they do. More charismatic, fascinating, dynamic and successful people generally have a lot more Prana. Personality and Prana are intricately related. 

As well as being able to build and contain we can also lose Prana through our senses, unconscious actions and thoughts. We are essentially a giant battery and the stronger our charge the more strength, health and vitality we radiate. Not only for ourselves but the people around us.

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40 Day Journey to Self Realisation: expansion


40 Day Journey to Self Realisation: stability