yogas fundamental gifts - DHARMA

As we approach the end of our journey of experiencing the gifts of what a true yoga practice brings, we’ve set the scene for DHARMA. We’ve created stability and ease with STIRAM SUKHAM, unsurpassed calm with STHITI, clear seeing and discernment with VIVEKA, become aware of our obstacles and causes of suffering with the KLESHAS. Now become more aware that the decisions we make has a consequence with KARMA. 

DHARMA is all of that. Using all of the tools now to make better life choices in each and every moment to the tune of our soul. Letting that part of us sing loud and proud and having the ability and courage to move in that direction. 

Especially when you have to walk alone or go against the grain. Not be liked or understood, it’s a great testament to how aligned you can be with what feels right and not have to do things to just fit in.  

Come practice this week and discover for yourself what that means for you. 

Namaste ❤️🙏🏼

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the gunas - The 3 fundamental forces of nature - tamas


yogas fundamental gifts - Karma