yogas fundamental gifts - Karma

There are 11 million bits of information presented to us each and every second yet our brain can only process and handle 126 bits per second. To make our external reality match our internal we delete, distort and generalise the information. The more awareness we have around the decisions we make the less negative karma we create. 

In the yoga sutra it states that karma works like a continuous wheel where the past effects the present and the present effects the future. Patanjali says we need to take right action NOW otherwise we’ll continue to spin in an endless cycle of self created suffering. 

The wheel of Karma looks like this. 

VRITTI is the movement of the mind, the initial action. Deeper Vrittis become SAMSKARAS. This could be described as the imprint or impressions left on us. Some we are aware of and most we are not. The more imprints left the more desire to move in the same direction occurs. The desires are called VASANAS. There are positive and negative Vasanas. A positive Vasana would be coming to yoga daily.

Using the practice this week to help us understand what wheels of Karma we are on. Help ourselves stop the negative wheels and jump onto virtuous ones. .

Namaste. 🙏🏼

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yogas fundamental gifts - DHARMA


yogas fundamental gifts - KLESHAS