Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga: SAMADHI

Samadhi represents the highest state of awareness, perception and clear seeing. 

As our practice deepens, we perceive more and more of the objects inherent qualities. Eventually, there is no distinction between subject and object. The meditator and the object of meditation merge into one hence the object being very important. 

Samadhi culminates in knowing the highest forms of truth way beyond the confines of our human identity. We are no longer this or that, we simply 'are'. We exist, we are existence itself.

The mantra ‘So Hum’ is the remembrance of our higher self. Translates as ‘I Am That’ I am that which is greater than anything we could possibly humanly think of. Samadhi brings us into that realm. 

When we consistently touch in on this space, 'Awareness of Pure Self' we make decisions founded in this truth rather than on the limited truth of our identity, we begin to shape our future and ultimately our destiny.


The koshas - anamaya kosha


Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga: DHYANA