The koshas - anamaya kosha

As we dive into exploring the ‘KOSHAS’ once again at Bhav I’m continually being reminded that we are more than just a physical body, we are more than just our mind. These aspects are merely parts of who we are, the most superficial and peripheral parts. 

Ultimately we are the one that sees these parts and the more that we can operate from a deeper place the less attached and caught up we get in these peripheral parts.  Even worse than that is being attached to and looking for happiness in things outside of our self, true happiness will never come from something outside of ourselves and can only come from within. 

The practice of yoga, true yoga where more than just Asana (body) is utilised we help ourselves discover these deeper aspects to view ourselves and the world from there. Operating from that higher place allows us to continually make wiser decisions to create a thriving existence rather than continually suffering unnecessarily. 

The Koshas stay. There are five sheets or layers. The first time being Anamaya Kosha the physical body. The second sheath is Pranamaya Kosha, the energetic body. The third layer is Manomaya Kosha, mind. The fourth layer is called Vijnanamaya Koshsa which is  our awareness or wisdom body. The most subtle of them all is Anandamaya Kosha, the bliss body. 

This first week we’ll explore Anamaya Kosher. Bringing extra awareness to our body to discover our strengths and weaknesses. When we bring awareness to where we usually hide we can help ourselves bring liberation and integration to have us feel whole again. Looking forward to exploring this with you in the mat.  

Namaste. 🙏🏼


The koshas - pranamaya kosha


Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga: SAMADHI