The koshas - pranamaya kosha

Pranayama Kosha - The second Kosha relates to an individuals’ 'energy field'. Within the body, the energetic, or pranic layer has many sub-systems with in It. The majority of them, such as the Chakras, Vayus and Nadis cannot be physically measured. The Vayus are the most accessible subsystem we’re able to influence, we do this by being aware of the spine in all six pose categories.

However, there is one aspect of Pranamaya Kosha that can be measured and that is the breath. Respiration is a system that belongs to, or connects into the Pranamaya Kosha. The respiratory system also has a physical connection and can be felt with breathed upon. This makes it the bridge between the physical and subtle bodies and a powerful tool for healing the physical body and the mental imprints left on the body as a result of negative thinking as it’s intimately connect to both. 

Pranayama is the most effective way to strengthen the connection to this sheath. When the breath is managed, the energy system is managed and when that’s the case anything becomes possible. When the practitioner is capable of moving awareness beyond the physical body, it is the subtle, energetic body that they are able to connect with. Pranamaya Kosha both pervades and supports the physical body and together with Anamaya Kosha it becomes the place that houses the Soul.d integration to have us feel whole again. Looking forward to exploring this with you in the mat.  

Namaste. 🙏🏼


The koshas - manomaya kosha


The koshas - anamaya kosha