The koshas - manomaya kosha

All of your thoughts, feelings and emotions, plus the functions of ideation and contemplation. The gunas (fundamental governing energies of nature) are also said to partly reside in this sheath.

The Yoga Tradition believes that the world is a mirror of our minds and how we see the world is a reflection of ourselves. Therefore Manomaya Kosha acts as both camera and projector, taking images in and assimilating their content and simultaneously projecting images outwards through our beliefs and thoughts as the world we experience. The cool thing is as human beings with free will we have the power and ability to create our own reality if we choose to. If we don’t choose someone or something else will. 

There is 11 million bits per second of information out there and through our senses we’re only able to process 126 bits per second. We create our reality through deleting, distorting and generalising of information. There are six basic human needs, certainty, variety, significance, love, growth and contribution. When they are getting met in a resourceful way we create clarity and alignment. 

The fourth and fifth sheaths then become accessible only when the physical, pranic and mental bodies have been purified and are operating in harmony, to me this is what yoga is all about. Through the right yogic practices, an inner alchemy can take place that opens up the pathway of Fire, granting access to the subtle spiritual dimensions of Vijnanamaya Kosha and Anandamaya Kosha waiting patiently deep within the mysteries of the human spine. 

Namaste. 🙏🏼


The koshas - VIJNANAMAYA


The koshas - pranamaya kosha