The koshas - VIJNANAMAYA

The body or ‘sheath’ of pure intelligence, wisdom and inspiration. It is considered the field that holds the inner teacher, or that which guides you from moment to moment towards our purpose ‘Dharma.’

It is always there, just not always heard, which is why people don't make the right decisions all the time. It is always there, as pure will, intelligence and self-knowing. It acts as the link between your individual mind ‘Ahamkara’ and the Universal Mind, Cosmic Intelligence, or Ishvara.

When you awaken your awareness to this level, you begin to move through life from an inner sense of knowing. From this place you have the capacity to see beyond the appearances of external events to their deeper spiritual or Dharmic meaning.

In other word the wool is not pull over our eyes so easily. We gain an inner authority, more sense of personal power and we stop giving it away to everyone and everything else and are able to take more responsibility for ourselves. 

Everything we ever need is already inside of us and the more we tap into Vijnanamaya Kosha we understand that. Come discover this part of yourself during practice this week.  

Namaste. 🙏🏼


The koshas - anandaMAYA


The koshas - manomaya kosha