yogas fundamental gifts - Sthiti

The point of our technique driven practice practice is Sthiti. Abyasa, is constant enduring effort, this has us burn through the limitations of the mind that are there to access the jewel of Sthiti which lays beneath. This jewel of unsurpassed calm and unbroken stream of presence flowing from the highest mind. 

This is important, because Sthiti is unbroken presence flowing naturally, occurring from the higher mind. That is the path that we must walk If we are to get the mind fully absorbed in Samadhi, the highest state of perception and clear seeing. 

We will not be able to connect in to the core essence of any meditation object if the mind cannot first flow in that single pointed unbroken direction, that is Sthiti. The good news is that is not something we need to cultivate or create. It is simply something we need to remember and access as It's already there. It’s always been there as a part of our innate mental content in the higher mind, calibrated to the virtues of the soul.

Whether it's the asana, mantra japa or pranayama. Whatever the technique is, it's to connect into Sthiti, because from there the mind becomes absorbed into whatever the meditation object is and without Sthiti Samadhi cannot happen. 

Namaste πŸ™πŸΌ

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yogas fundamental gifts - viveka


yogas fundamental gifts - Sthiram sukham