yogas fundamental gifts - viveka

VIVEKA SHAKTI - Clear Seeing

We Can think of the Viveka Shakti as ‘spiritual discernment’ or power of intelligence in some tantric traditions this is considered a siddhi or superpower

Imagine how your life would be like if you only ever saw the truth in every situation, zero projections and no disillusion about yourself, your divine capacities and the areas you were stuck. What would that mean? 

The Bhagavad Gita tells us this is not only the goal of practice but the sole purpose of human existence. Viveka, clear seeing has two components. One is psychological and the other spiritual. 


This is about seeing ourselves honestly, both the light and the dark. The darker we go the brighter our light can shine. Yoga asks us to understand our mind, not dismiss it. It’s not good enough to just notice when our mind drifts during meditation. We must work out where it goes and why? What triggers us and how we react. The more we practice this the more we understand ourselves. 


This is based on the understanding that the soul comes into this life already imprinted. It carries our memories and our karma which settles on the chakras like dust on a mirror. Hindering our ability to see ourselves clearly. The place where the soul meets the subconscious mind is called the psyche, in yoga this is called the Vijnanamaya Kosha. This is where the dissolution needs to take place at the soul level. 

Key practices to help with this is Laya Yoga which is yoga of dissolution. Dissolving conditioning and programming imbedded into to chakras from past lives.   

Namaste 🙏🏼

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yogas fundamental gifts - KLESHAS


yogas fundamental gifts - Sthiti