The vayus - apana

Vayu means 'to carry or move'. There are five major Vayus within our being. Each Vayu animates particular mental and or physical functions. The Vayus are part of Vata Dosha (Vata Dosha governs the Nervous System). Out of all the body's energetic systems, the Vayus are the most accessible and easily transformed.

Each of the five major Vayus has a location, function, direction and action. For next five weeks we’ll be focusing on a different Vayu, this week is Apana. Apana is located in the pelvic region between the navel and the perineum. It sustains the functions of the reproductive and excretory organs as well as the kidneys, bladder and bowels.

It is downwards moving force and our 'letting go' power, our inner force of elimination and as such it governs the release of waste, wind, semen and ova. Additionally, Apana is also the agent of release when it comes to old emotions and thoughts that no longer serve us. Our capacity to 'let go', forgive and accept are related to this expression of Prana. 

Apana is associated with the exhalation and can be experienced as a denser and cooler energy moving downwards from the navel to the pelvic floor and as such this vital force connects us more deeply with the first two chakras and our own sense of groundedness.

Strengthening Apana Vayu allows us to operate more skilfully in the world, keep ourselves steady and also manage our sexual energy. It is this force that releases the powerful sleeping energy at the base of the spine. When Apana is weak it creates a poor ability to let go (at all levels) and also an inability to stay grounded. It is both our let-go and retentive, steadying force.

Strong Apana lends itself to a solid meditation practice and capacity to be present.

Namaste. 🙏🏼


The vayus - samana


The koshas - anandaMAYA