The vayus - samana

SAMANA VAYU is all about Centering and balancing and produces a sense of grounded luminosity. It is our assimilative force that allows us to digest things, whether its food or life experiences. In terms of food or digesting on a physical level Samana helps to extract all the necessary nutrients from the foods that we eat. It’s one thing to eat healthy and clean but if our digestive power is weak it doesn’t really matter what we put into our mouths. 

Similarly on a subtler level as we move through life when our Samana Vayu is strong we’re able to digest life more efficiently. Life events, situations and information that comes into our world. 

When we can have the attitude of life is happening for us rather then to us we’re living more in cause then effect. We we see life through this filter we either are giving wins in life or learning lessons that are there to be learnt. We don’t see anything as a failure. 

Samana helps us not to make the same mistakes twice, our growth becomes more rapid, we don’t feel like our wheels are just spinning take us no where. 

This energy is located in the navel and is mostly produced through twisting the torso. Breathing down into the navel will evoke this energy as well. Doing other balancing breaths like three part breath, alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) and keeping the ratio of breath at 1:1 will maintain a balancing effect. 

Bringing awareness to Samana and our digestive fire and practicing to have it clean and strong clears the way for deeper cleansing of Karma and limiting beliefs. 

Namaste 🙏🏼


The vayus - pran


The vayus - apana