The vayus - vyana

Moves out and around; responsible for expansion and integration of all the other Vayus. It can be understood as out aura, or the field of energy that surrounds the body. In doing so it also serves as a kind of protection bubble against negative energy. 

Vyana integrates all the other expressions of prana so that there is harmony and unified power at the energetic level. I see Vyana to Vayus similar to the fascia to the muscular system. When our fascia is healthy the muscles communicate well and move in sync all while being encased and surrounded by it. 

Vyana also allows for awareness to transition between the gross and subtle layers of our being. Our focus needs to shift quickly at times and to maintain a sense of flow in life the smoother we can make that transition the more flow and less stagnation. 

I remember a time walking along he rocks by the beach and being so focused on where I was stepping I didn’t notice a cliff drop off until I got right up to it. I then had to back track around another way to get down.  If I was paying attention of what was up a head i could’ve avoided the redirection from further out. 

If Vyana is weak, things in life will not be flowing through our external protective bubble of energy being penetrated too often or the transition through the Vayus being slow. LATERALS are the primary pose category, while BACKBENDS compliment. 

To a lesser degree INVERSIONS and EXTENSIONS get this energy moving.

Namaste 🙏🏼


yogas fundamental gifts - Sthiram sukham


The vayus - udana