The vayus - udana


Udana Vayu is located in the throat and flows in a circular manner around the neck and head. This Vayu regulates speech, growth, enthusiasm, inspiration and self-expression. 

Derived from Sanskrit, this term translates as “ascending air.”

The ability to express ourselves loudly and clearly comes from Udana and even more specifically expressing ourselves through speech. With this upward moving force we learn how to inspire and motivate ourselves and take actions from that empowered place. We see the world as inspiring, to be inspired and in turn we inspire others. 

When Udana is strong with in us we feel uplifted, enthused and motivated to take action. We inspire others through overcoming blocks and challenges.

Udana Vayu during deeper practices also serves as a channel from the lower to the upper levels of consciousness and helps direct prana and/or kundalini energy from the lower to upper chakras, and nourishes the visuddha (throat) and ajna (third eye) chakras, in particular.

Through yoga practice, prana is activated and circulated via the Udana Vayu. Inversions, such as head stand, shoulder stand and plough pose, help activate udana vayu as does certain breathing exercises and meditation.

Udana Vayu affects the following:

Communication, Expression and Language. Metabolism through the thyroid and parathyroid glands, The nervous and endocrine systems, Pain perception and sleep patterns. 

When Udana Vayu is balanced, the yogi is articulate, focused, intuitive, assertive and confident.

Namaste 🙏🏼


The vayus - vyana


The vayus - pran