40 Day Journey to Self Realisation: CALMING

And so we begin our journey to self realisation. This 40 day journey will take you through the stages of practice to create the best opportunity for you to discover the part of yourself which is inherently joyful and free.

In the western world, yoga is considered a form of exercise. But it is much more than that! The Yoga Sutra by Patanjali is all about the mind. The word asana only gets mentioned in there only four times.

Unfortunately, the form of yoga asana in the western world has become so stimulating. It often involves heated rooms, loud music, and constant vigorous movement. This takes us away from the calming, parasympathetic nervous system and the right side of the brain.

What majority of society needs right now, not what they want, is to calm down. 

When we understand the energetics of asana and the breath, we can start to cultivate certain energies and/or help ourselves calm our mind. Forward folding is the king of creating a calming effect, and focusing on longer exhales creates a langhana effect, a calming of energy. 

Join us this week for some calming practices and gain the knowledge of how to create calm for yourself. 




Preparing for the seven stages of hatha yoga