yogas fundamental gifts - KLESHAS

Kleshas are mental states that cloud the mind and manifest in unwholesome actions. According to Patanjali there are five main kleshas:

Avidya – Ignorance - The one that houses them all. All other afflictions comes from false truths. They say Ignorance is bliss. It may seem like it in the beginning but the more we try and ignore the truth the more it will come back to bite us in the butt. 

Asmita – Egoism - There’s two parts to self in this dualistic world. One part is eternal, our innate true nature, the other is our personality that comes in this life time. That part is forever changing and when we get stuck identifying with that then suffering is inevitable.

Raga – Attachments - There’s that saying, if you don’t stand for anything you’ll fall for everything. This is true and we need to fluid in what we stand for. If there’s an unconscious attachment to that thing there’s going to be suffering when that thing ends.

Dvesha – Aversions - We’re obviously avoiding something because we don’t like it or want to face it. Unresolved and un-dealt with stuff will always be a problem.

Abhinivesha – Fear of Death - This is every humans ultimate fear. This fear stops us living life to the fullest. We get so stuck in our comfort zone and stay clear of this that which scare us.  If we only knew what happens after death? We might not be so fearful of that. 

Kleshas include states of mind such as anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, desire, depression, etc. Contemporary translators use a variety of English words to translate the term kleshas, such as: afflictions, defilements, destructive emotions, disturbing emotions, negative emotions, mind poisons, neurosis etc.

The greater awareness we have around what’s holding us back, causing us pain and suffering the more we’re able to shift the meaning of things. We then can see certain people or situations from a different perspective, learn the lessons we need to learn to move on. The more we stop playing the victim and take charge then more we live a life we desire. 

The focus in studio is the kleshas this week. Come get on your mat and discover for how to relieve yourself of these undesirables aspects to create a life of flow and ease.

Namaste 🙏🏽

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yogas fundamental gifts - Karma


yogas fundamental gifts - viveka