As we move into week three of exploring the Tantric Yamas and Niyamas we embark on DAYA (Compassion). Compassion is when we have a deep understanding of what another is experiencing, and even more than that, we have a desire to help elevate their pain and suffering. If we are unaware of how we are in the offering of our help, we may lose ourselves in that and become altruistic. Sometimes the emotional reward we receive from helping outweighs our own needs.
It’s much easier for one to be in their own world and judge others when they don’t understand. It takes effort to understand and even more so have a desire to want to help.
When we are caught in our lower mind, done because it is dense and easily attracts our attention, our seeing of others and the outside world comes from this place.
Knowing this, we have an opportunity to adjust and help ourselves minimise the density, and karmic debris, and therefore activate and enliven other areas of our body to draw our awareness too.
In practice this week, we’ll power up the heart and make it pranically alive, which will absorb our awareness. This helps to mediate at this centre and have us reside there more often. The more we can live from this place, the more connected we become, the more we live from joy and contentment. The more spaciousness we are, allows us to get out of our own way and be clear in our ability to be compassionate.