Ārjav means straightness, sincerity and harmony in one’s thoughts, words and actions towards oneself and towards others. It is explained in ancient Indian texts as “self-restraint from hypocrisy", and / or "the absence of hypocrisy”.

It seems we are able to see hypocrisy more easily in someone else than in ourselves. If deep, sincere, authentic, conversations can happen without reactivity or being triggered, there is so much goodness to unveil. The key is that we have to be open to learn and see ourselves, including the parts that have been hidden.

When we are sincere and authentic in expressing ourselves and sharing our truth there is no part of us that is left behind. Parts that are left behind leave karmic debris; things that can come back to bite us. Whilst it may be uncomfortable and challenging to be sincere upfront, it creates a clarity in communicating and understanding another.

We always know if we are telling the truth or being honest with ourself or not. How does that make you feel? What you receive through insincerity does not compare to receiving something deservingly. Funnily enough, the more sincere we are with ourselves the more we can sniff out BS in another, and the less you’ll tolerate as well. You will have stronger boundaries and be able to communicate them.

We invite you to use your practice this week as a gauge of Arjava. Could you be in something a little longer than your lower mind says? Or should you take rest when you have a tendency to push? Practice listening to your deepest self…


Preparing for the seven stages of hatha yoga
