The vayus - pran


This expression of Prana refers to the energy currents located in the heart and chest area. Pran Vayu maintains the functioning of the heart and lungs and all activities within the region of the chest such as breathing and circulation of the blood.

Pran Vayu is experienced in the form of vibration, light and warm energy moving inwards and upwards in the chest area. On the physical level, Pran Vayu is intimately related to our health in regards to respiration and blood circulation. On the subtle level, it allows us to 'take in information' our receiving ability - to literally take more of life in.

Pran Vayu is associated with the in-breath and is one of the two fundamental Pranas of interest to the Hatha Yogi along with Apana. When these two fundamental Vayus are brought together we can access much deeper aspects of the mind and generate greater power to clear negative emotions, limiting beliefs and karma. It connects us more deeply with the fourth and fifth chakras Heart and Throat. 

When Pran Vayu is strong and in abundance, the purest qualities of the heart come forward and shine through our personalities colouring  your life with beauty, love, and compassion. Because it is said that the heart holds the intelligence of the soul, Yogis believed that by increasing Pran Vayu they were granting themselves access to the place of highest inner wisdom - the Vishok Jyotir.

When Pran Vayu is weak or deficient then there will be a correlating response in the immune system, specifically the area of the heart and lungs and on the mental level, negativity will invade the mind and it will seem impossible to take in any new information.

Namaste 🙏🏼


The vayus - udana


The vayus - samana