Annamaya Kosha
Annamaya Kosha, often referred to as the "food sheath," is the outermost layer of our being, according to yogic philosophy. It is the physical body—the tangible, material aspect of ourselves made up of the elements of the earth. This layer is called "Annamaya" because it is sustained by the food we consume, and its health and vitality are directly influenced by the nourishment we receive.
THE CHAKRAS - Sahasrara
The Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is the seventh and final primary chakra in the human energy system. Located at the top of the head, it is associated with spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and transcendence. The crown chakra is often depicted as a thousand-petaled lotus flower or a radiant white or violet light.
The Ajna Chakra, commonly referred to as the third eye chakra, is positioned in the centre of the forehead, slightly above the space between the eyebrows. The term "Ajna" translates to "command" or "perception," highlighting its role in intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. Often depicted as a vibrant indigo or deep blue lotus flower with two petals, the Ajna Chakra is considered the seat of higher consciousness and spiritual perception.
THE CHAKRAS - Vishuddhi
The Vishuddhi Chakra, or the fifth chakra, is located in the throat region, extending from the base of the neck to the Adam's apple. It governs communication, self-expression, and authenticity.
When the Vishuddhi Chakra is balanced, it enables effective communication and self-expression. Individuals with a healthy throat chakra can express their thoughts and feelings clearly and honestly, both verbally and creatively. They possess a strong sense of authenticity, speak their truth, and listen attentively to others. This chakra cultivates creativity, self-confidence, and harmonious self-expression.
The Anahata chakra is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. It is associated with the element of air and is often depicted as a green lotus with twelve petals. This chakra is related to the heart, lungs, and circulatory system, and is considered the center of love, compassion, and empathy.
THE CHAKRAS - Manipura
The third universal force in nature is FiRE. Another name for it is combustion, an energy that sparks transformation both in the material world and also on a subtler level. In both cases, fire is the birthplace of our assimilative force.
THE CHAKRAS - Swadhisthana
The second chakra, also known as the sacral chakra or Swadhisthana, is located in the lower abdomen, between the pubic bone and the top of the sacrum. Representing the water element, this chakra embodies the energy of covalence or cohesion, facilitating the binding and connection of creative and emotional energies. Swadhisthana has six nadis, each at an angle of 60 degrees.
THE CHAKRAS - Muladhara
The root chakra, or Muladhara, is the first of the seven chakras and is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the colour red, the earth element, and represents our connection to the physical world, grounding, and survival.
Resolution: The Ending of a Cycle
In life, resolution marks the ending of a cycle, a chapter closing, and a new one beginning. These cycles, whether large or small, are the rhythms that guide our existence. As we grow and evolve, we navigate through these cycles, learning and transforming with each turn. This journey is not always linear; sometimes, we find ourselves back at the same place, facing familiar challenges because we haven't yet learned the lessons necessary to move forward.
Self Realisation
When we incarnate onto this Earth, we forget who we truly are. Not only that, but in the early stages of our lives, we accumulate even more acquired content. This content resides in our unconscious mind, shaped by conditioning and patterning from our parents and other influences.
Our life purpose and soul mission become clouded by ignorance, leading to decisions and actions based on the delusion.
Yoga is far more than just the shapes we create on the mat. When we shift our focus from the aesthetics of these poses to their deeper functions, we can quickly transform our energy, perspective, and perceptions of ourselves and the world around us.
Fire in the Navel: Awakening Rudrani
In the realm of Tantra philosophy, the source of human suffering is often traced back to our identification with the three lower chakras. These energy centers, tied to the primitive aspects of the brain, serve as repositories of past experiences and resonate at lower vibrations. They are deeply entwined with themes of survival fear, aversions, attachments, and the relentless pursuit of power or status.
Prana in the Spine: The Sacred Stream of Sushumna
At Bhav, we practice yoga to cultivate subtlety within ourselves. The bhav, the mood or attitude we invite you to bring is a spiritual practice, an attitude and desire to understand yourself more fully. The more subtle we become in our being, the more we operate from a higher vibration. This elevated state allows us to perceive ourselves and the world from a heightened perspective, offering greater clarity and insight.
Moving Towards Subtle Sensitivity
At Bhav, we practice yoga to cultivate subtlety within ourselves. The bhav, the mood or attitude we invite you to bring is a spiritual practice, an attitude and desire to understand yourself more fully. The more subtle we become in our being, the more we operate from a higher vibration. This elevated state allows us to perceive ourselves and the world from a heightened perspective, offering greater clarity and insight.
Harnessing the Power of Containment in Yoga: Exploring Jalandhara Bandha and Mulabhanda
In the vast landscape of yoga, where movement meets mindfulness, the concept of containment emerges as a profound gateway to harnessing the flow of energy within. At the heart of this exploration lie two pivotal practices, part mental, part physical mechanisms: Jalandhara Bandha and Mulabhanda.
Prana in the heart
In the sacred journey of yoga, as we immerse ourselves deeper into the practice, we begin to uncover profound layers of energy that permeate our existence. At Bhav Yoga Studio, amidst our ongoing teacher training, we are delving into the transformative power of Prana, particularly its solar aspect, and its profound connection to the heart center.
As we transition into the next phase of our teacher training, we immerse ourselves in the Solar aspect. The Solar represents the Sun, Electricity, Giving and life force energy, known as Prana.
Prana is no different to the Sun, is the essence of life itself. It animates all existence, shaping our tangible reality. As humans, we possess the remarkable ability to enhance this energy within us through specific actions, breath-work and the shapes we make with our body.
The first four of the seven stages of Hatha Yoga include Purification, Strengthening, Calming, and Stability. The first three weekends of the Yoga Teacher Training have certainly provided that.
During these initial weeks, we’ve delved into the Descent of Consciousness, the map that Sage Kapila provided, understanding that the complete Yoga Practice is the reverse engineering of that map, shaping our practice strategy in this journey of self-realization.
Understanding Yoga, Doshas, and Guna: Minimise the Manic
Embarking on a journey of self-awareness unveils the profound connection between our body, mind, and soul. With this awareness comes the ability to tailor tools, techniques, and practices to realign ourselves with our true nature. At Bhav, we delve into the intricate tapestry of yoga, Ayurveda, and the ancient wisdom of doshas and gunas to guide you on your path to holistic wellness.
Teacher Training Journey - Moon - Ground and Stabilise
As we embark on the exhilarating journey of our inaugural yoga teacher training at Bhav Yoga Studio, we find ourselves drawn to the enigmatic allure of the moon. Symbolising the mind in yogic philosophy, the Moon holds the key to unlocking profound depths within ourselves. In these foundational stages of our training, we embrace the wisdom of the Moon practices, cultivating calmness and stability in our minds before delving into the vast realms of Prana and beyond.